Is Marital Dissolution Right for You?

Ending a marriage is an emotional experience, but it does not have to be a traumatic one. Dissolution is a viable alternative to divorce, which gives you and your soon-to-be ex the ability to make your own decisions. Although it may seem impossible, many people in Tennessee prefer to have the last say over things rather than have their future in the hands of a judge.

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What Does Co-Parenting Have to do with My Parenting Plan?

Most parents understand that they must continue working together for their children even after their divorce. By focusing on the kids' best interests as the basis for their parenting plan, Tennessee parents can more easily engage in healthy co-parenting.

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Millennials are Disrupting This Aspect of Family Law

Overall, divorce rates are decreasing, and experts say millennials are to thank. These young adults are disrupting what has otherwise been an upward family law trend.

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3 Common Myths About Divorce

Divorce is a complicated, delicate, often misunderstood business. For some, their only experience with divorce is through sensationalized accounts in TV or film. However, the truth is much less dramatic. Here are three myths on divorce you can put to rest.

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The First Step in Divorce

Divorce is an unfortunate but sometimes necessary legal proceeding. Choosing the right divorce attorney is critical for you to not only protect yourself but also achieve the best possible outcome.

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4 Things to Know Before a Child Custody Battle

A child custody battle is probably the last position a person wants to find themselves in if they’re going through a divorce. Find out four key things you should know before a child custody battle.

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Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity

Unfortunately, there are situations where parents are unsure of the legitimacy of their child. If by chance you are unsure if the child is biologically yours, signing the Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form or Birth Certificate could have consequences.

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Shared Parenting Technology After a Divorce

Co-parenting and communicating can be rough after a divorce as sometimes it is still on shaky ground, and the freshness of the divorce takes time to subside. Today’s technology can make a difference in managing shared parenting time.

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Marital Dissolution Agreements FAQ

A marital dissolution agreement (MDA) is an agreement where two spouses agree to the division of their property/assets and agree to divorce.

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Division of Assets

Tennessee is called a “dual property” state because its family laws draw a distinction between marital property and separate property.

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