DUI Charges

The Fourth Amendment and the Plain View Doctrine

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects you from unreasonable search and seizure activities. In addition, the Supreme Court has ruled about the “plain view doctrine.” What is this, and what does it mean to you?

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Boating Under the Influence

Laws on the road are heavily enforced in order to decrease accidents and fatalities due to drivers who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. But are you aware that you can get a DUI (or rather, BUI) in the water?

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Can You Lose Your Car After a DUI?

When the authorities decide to impound your car after a DUI arrest, you need to know what to expect. It is important to remember that every case is different with its own set of circumstances.

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Don't Get a Tennessee DUI: Tips for a Safe Holiday

A Tennessee DUI charge can have serious consequences. Consider the following tips for a safe holiday weekend.

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Stay Out of Legal Trouble on Halloween

With so many people out during the evenings, wild parties hosted in popular college towns, the temptation for vandalism, and a greater inclination to cause legal trouble as tradition suggests, here are a few common crimes that can occur on Halloween night.

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Getting a DUI During the Holiday Season

Unfortunately, as with any time of year where parties occur more frequently, the likelihood of drinking and driving also experiences an increase. Here are three facts about DUIs and the Holiday Season.

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DUI Checkpoints - Constitutionality and Your Rights

We’ve all seen YouTube videos, news stories, and websites dedicated to describing why TN DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional. While these videos and articles can be intriguing and sometimes even frightening, are checkpoints violating your constitutional rights?

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Law Firm Invests in DUI Defense Training

A local law firm is proud to announce two associates, Isaac Wilson (Attorney at Law), and Hope Ford (Law Clerk) have recently completed the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Course to deepen their knowledge in DUI defense.

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Whether you’re facing a DUI charge or want to learn more about Tennessee’s DUI laws, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked DUI questions to help you navigate the complex legal landscape of DUI criminal charges.

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Find an AA Meeting for Your Recovery

Find a local AA meeting near you.

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