Family Law

Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity

Unfortunately, there are situations where parents are unsure of the legitimacy of their child. If by chance you are unsure if the child is biologically yours, signing the Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form or Birth Certificate could have consequences.

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Child Custody and Relocation in Tennessee

After a divorce between two parents, custody over the children is a complicated process. In addition to ensuring you have the proper family law representation, all of your documents and information in order, and coming to an agreed-upon solution, you also uphold a parenting schedule, child support payments, and so much more.

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Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence, or domestic violence, is abuse or aggression in a romantic relationship. Learn more.

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Shared Parenting Technology After a Divorce

Co-parenting and communicating can be rough after a divorce as sometimes it is still on shaky ground, and the freshness of the divorce takes time to subside. Today’s technology can make a difference in managing shared parenting time.

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Court Decisions Regarding Child Custody

The end of a relationship between two parents is always difficult and stressful. This blog discusses court decisions regarding Tennessee child custody.

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Modifying a Court Ordered Parenting Plan

Making a parenting plan isn't as simple as it sounds. This article discusses Tennessee law for modifying a court-ordered parenting plan.

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Tiffany Hagar Awarded TN Supreme Court Rule 31 Family & Domestic Violence Certifications

Tiffany Hagar Awarded TN Supreme Court Rule 31 Family & Domestic Violence Certifications

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Adoption in Tennessee

Tennessee law clarifies that one of the purposes of its adoption laws is to ensure children are raised in loving homes and that the provider is capable of providing proper care. Learn more.

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Marital Dissolution Agreements FAQ

A marital dissolution agreement (MDA) is an agreement where two spouses agree to the division of their property/assets and agree to divorce.

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Division of Assets

Tennessee is called a “dual property” state because its family laws draw a distinction between marital property and separate property.

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